Edit Old Rpt File

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Edit Crystal report file without Crystal Report software. But this report is 'old'. I have tried to search text in the file rpt. .rpt Inspector makes changes to multiple Crystal Reports.rpt files. Need to create, edit, or open a.rpt file? To make one small change the old way.rpt.

A company developed a small web interface written in VB.net to query a database and produce reports. The interface uses CrystalDecisions.Shared library.


In the code, it references this: If rbExportType.SelectedValue = 'PDF' Then Dim sda As New DB2DataAdapter(cmd) ReportName = 'Reports/R002.rpt' rpt.Load(Server.MapPath(ReportName), CrystalDecisions.Shared.OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByTempCopy) sda.Fill(ds.tblR002) rpt.SetDataSource(ds) rpt.SetParameterValue(0, ddDatabase.SelectedItem.Text) ExporttoPDF Else Now, the users have asked me to add a simple field to the report, Date. I've edited the query to pull this data, but when I run the report the Date field is not shown on the report.

I'm assuming that the actual.rpt file has to be edited to include this field on the report. When trying to edit Reports/R002.rpt in a text editor, there are just numbers/symbols.

How can I edit this.rpt file? The version of Visual Studio 2010 has past it's trial.

Convert Rpt File To Pdf

Apex Composites wrote: For anyone still looking for the app marked as 'best answer' above, do not use the TuCows link. It tries to bundle 3 extra apps with it, doesn't include all the prereqs and is an old version. Download the app directly from the developer's website:  (Reposting the above comment. A moderator deleted it because it was an old topic. The comment is relevant for people like me who are searching a trusted forum like Spiceworks, and want up accurate advice.) Hi Apex, your post was originally removed because it was reported to us by SpiceHeads for being a necropost (the last time this thread has seen some action was in 2010). U pon looking at it again, we decided that this is a relevant update and to let your post stand.

At the risk of being accused of resurrecting an old thread, we've had a bunch of trouble finding a report viewer that does what we want. Ultimately, the Report Viewer Pro seems the best viewer functionally (it allows you to save the db credentials in the software instead of the unhelpful way the standard SAP software insists that every user update the.rpt themselves) and the customisable interface (removing the unused export options) helped with support, but the company are awful to deal with, the licencing is impossible to work with at our scale, and realistically we can't deploy it for those reasons. Is anyone aware of a product that allows you to save the db credentials in the software configuration itself and that opens.rpt reports, allows input of parameters and has the usual export options? (Excel, PDF, Word, etc?) (commercial is fine as long as it has reasonable terms for licencing in RDS (eg not $2k sitewide licence or nothing.). Hey @jimthehorsegod - I came here looking for a freebie viewer to handle the export of csv files but seen as though I'm here, you should check out Easy View here - I've been using that to run a Crystal Report on a TV in a public area as it was the simplest way I could find to refresh the report to screen on a regular basis (eg every 2 minutes). As you'll see from the link it's very cheap for a commercial solution and I can't recommend it highly enough. I realise the above sounds like I'm some kind of hidden re-seller but, hand on heart, I am not, I'm just someone who uses Crystal Reports a LOT so is always finding good ways to solve Reporting issues.

Cheers, Martin.

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