Biografia De Isaac Newton Pdf
Isaac Newton - Biografia - O Globo PDF. Isaac Newton - Biografia - O Globo PDF. Alguns disseram que Principia, de Isaac Newton.
. Biography: Isaac Newton Author(s): Virginia J. Craig Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. Sep., 1901), pp. 157-161 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL:. Accessed: 15:15 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive.
We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Mathematical Association of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Mathematical Monthly. This content downloaded from on Fri, 16 May 2014 15:15:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions. THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY. Entered at the Post-office at Springfield, Missouri, as second-class matter.
AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 1901. ISAAC NEWTON. By VIRGINIA J. B., Springfield, Mo. Sir Isaac Newton was born at Woolthorpe in Lincolnshire in 1642, the year of Galileo's death.
He first attended the village school and later the public school at Granthain. He was a delicate child and at first far from industrious. An unprovoked attack from a boy above him led to a fight in which Newton's pluck was victoriouis.
This success led him to greater exertions in school, and after a time he rose to be head boy. He early displayed a taste for mechanical inventions. He made wind-mill's, water-clocks, kites, dials, and a carriage pro- pelled by the rider. When he had attained his fifteenth year, his mother took hinm home to assist her in the management of'the farm, but his dislike for farm- ing and desire for sttudy induced her to send him back to Grantham, where he remained until his eighteenth year, when he entered Trinity college, Cambridge. Little is known as to his attainments at this time. He tells us that he had bought a book on astrology at a fair, but on account of his ignorance of trigo- nometry could not understand its figures. So he bought a Euclid, but on look- ing it over, thought the propositions self evident and laid it aside as a trifling work.
He now applied himself to Descartes' Geometry, which he mastered with- out assistance. This work inspired himn with a love for the higher mathematics. He tells us that in 1665 he found the method of Infinite Series and compuited This content downloaded from on Fri, 16 May 2014 15:15:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions. 158 the area of the Hyperbola to 52 figures. He did not comnmunicate his invention to his friends till 1669, when he placed in the hands of Barrow a tract De Anal- ysi per Equationes NAt,nero Ternminorum Inflaitas. Supposing the abscissa to increase uniformly in proportion to the time he looked upon the area of a curve as a nascent quantity increasing by continued fluxion in the proportion of the length of the ordinate. The expression obtained for the fluxion he expanded into a finite or infinite series of monomial terms.
Had this tract been published then instead of 42 years later there would probably have been no occasion for that long and deplorable controversy between Newton and Leibnitz. Newton received the degree of B. In 1665 and two years later was made a fellow of Trinity College.
He gave much study to lenses and prisms at this time. In 1669 he was elected Lucasian professorand soon after admitted to the Royal Society. At the meeting at which he was elected to the Society a de- scription of a reflecting telescope which he had in)vented was read. Newton pub- lished an account of his discovery of the spectrum. Yet he made the mistake of supposing that all prisms would give a spectrum of the same length.
His publication involved him in a controversy painful to him. Biology 11 mcgraw hill ryerson firefox. Although wearied and resolved to publish nothing more, he did not, fortunately, stick to this reso- lution.
He explained the color of thin and thick plates and the inflexion of light and wrote on double refractioni, polarization and binocular vision. He in- vented a reflecting sextant for observing the distance between the moon and fixed stars. It is supposed that it was at Woolthorpe in 1666 that Newton's thoughts were directed to the subject of gravity.
Tradition marked a tree till 1820, as that from which the apple fell when the tree was cut down and its wood pre- served. Kepler had proved that each planet revolves in an elliptical orbit round the sun, whose centre occupies one of the foci of the orbit, that the radius vector of each planet describes equal areas in equal times and that the squares of the periodic times of the planets are in the same proportion as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. Newton came to believe from analogy of bodies falling to the earth that gravitation was the cause of the moon's remaining in its orbit. By calculating from Kepler's laws Newton had already proved that the force of the sun acting upon the different planets must vary as the inverse square of the distances of the planets from the sun.
He now found that the moon was deflected from the tangent in every minute through thirteen feet. But observing the distance through which a body would fall in one second on the earth, and calculating on force diminishing as the inverse square, he found that the earth's attraction would deflect the moon fifteen feet. Newton was dissatisfied with the discrepancy. A little later, however, when Picard made a more accurate es- timnate of the earth's magnitude, Newton eliminated the discrepancy. While as yet the law of inverse squares was not regarded established, Newton proved that according to this law a body would travel round the sun in an ellipse.
This content downloaded from on Fri, 16 May 2014 15:15:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions. 159 In 1685 and 1686 Newton composed almost the whole of his great work, the Principia. The credit of prior recognition of the law of the iniverse squares was claimed by Hooke and Newton was generous and just enough to allow the claim.
The whole work was published in 1687. A little later Newton's health became quite poor. He had neglected so often to take food and sleep and for quite a time suffered evil consequences. He had taken an active part in protecting the university against the en- croachments of the crown, and this fact was the cause of his election to parlia- ment as a representative of the university. During his London residence he be- came a friend of Locke. Newton was now in his fifty-fifth year, and up to this time had received no mark of national gratitude. Through Montague's efforts, he was now given the wardenship and later the mastership of the mint.
Up to 1687 Newton's method of fluxions was still a secret. One of the most important rules of the nmethod forms the second lemma of the second book of the Principia. Yet Newton did not exhibit his method in the results.
So it was not commnunicated to the scientific world until 1693 in the second volulne of Dr. Wallis' works. Newton's admirers in Holland had informed Dr. Wallis that Newton's method of fluxions passed there under the name of Leibnitz's Calculus Diffieren- tialis. It was therefore thought necessary that an early opportunity should be taken of asserting Newton's claim to be the inventor of the method of fluxions, and this was the reason for the method first appearing in Wallis' work.
A fur- ther account of the method was given in Newton's Optics. There is no doubt as to Newton being the inventor of fluxions, but it has been strongly contested whether Leibnitz invented his calculus independently, or borrowed it from the fluxional calculus with which at bottom it is identical. In 1674 Leibnitz announced to the Royal Society that he possessed analytical meth- ods depending on infinite series by which he had found theorems of great im- portance relating to the quadrature of the circle. In reply he was informed that Newton had discovered similar methods for the quadrature of curves which ex- tended to the circle. In 1676 Newton had sent to Leibnitz a letter containinig his binomial theorem, the now well known expressions for the expansion of an arc in terms of its sine, and its converse that of the sine in terms of the arc.
This letter also contained an expression in an infinite series for the arc of an ellipse. In- quiries from Leibnitz followed and a reply by Newton.
Newton commenced his letter by commending the method of Leibnitz for the treatment of series. He then states his three methods but does not clearly explain them. Leibnitz in reply explained his method of drawitng tangents to curves, introducing his ilota- tion dx and dy for the infinitely small differences of the successive coordinates of a point on the curve, and showed that his miethod could be readily applied if the equation contained irtational functions. Further on he gave one or two ex- amples of problems involving the integration of a differential equation of the This content downloaded from on Fri, 16 May 2014 15:15:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions.
160 first order which shows that Leibnitz was then in possession of the principles of the integral calculus. The sign of integration has been found to have been em- ployed by him in a manuscript of October 29, 1675, preserved in the royal li- brary of Hanover. This proves that Leibnitz was in possessioni of his method before he had received any account of Newton's method of fluxions. In 1684 Leibnitz made his method public. Thus while Newton's claimn to priority of discovery is admitted by all, Leibnitz was the first to publish his method. In- sinuations were made in 1699 that Leibnitz had derived his whole method from Newton and had merely changed the name and notation.
At first Newton recognized Leibnitz as an independent discoverer of the calculus, and tried to stop the attack on Leibnitz. Yet he felt the justice of the recognition of his own priority, and against his will was dragged into a discussion which continued long ofter his death. The bitterness of the discussion was greatly augmented by national emulation. All mathematicians are now agreed that both men are entitled to be regarded independent discoverers of the principles of the calculus, while Newton was master of the method of fluxions before Leibnitz discovered his method. In 1707 Whiston published the algebraical lectures which Newton had delivered at Cambridge.
In addition to these other mathematical works, Newton had solved two celebrated problemns proposed by Bernoulli and Leibnitz. In June, 1696, Ber- noulli addressed a letter to the mathematicians of Europe challenging them to solve two problems: (1) To determine the brachistrochrone between two given points not in the same vertical line. (2) To determine a curve such that if a straight line drawn through a fixed point A meet it in two points P1 and P2, then AP1m + AP2m will be constant.
Six months were allowed by Bernoulli for the solution of the problems, and in the event of none being sent to him he prom- ised to publisth his own. The six months elapsed without any solution being produced; but he received a letter from Leibnitz stating that he had 'cut the knot of the most beautiful of these problems,' and requested that the period of their solution should be extended to Christmas next.
This was done. On Jan- uary 29th, 1696-97, Newton received two copies of the problems, and on the fol- lowing day gave a solution of them to Montague, then president of the Royal Society. He announced that the curve required in the first problem must be a cycloid, and he gave a method of determining it.
He solved also the second problem and showed that by the same method other curves inight be found which shall cut off three or more segments having the like properties. Solu- tions were also obtained from Leibnitz and the Marquis de L'Hospital, yet Ber- noulli recognized the author in his disguise; 'tamquam,' says he, 'ex ungue leonem.' In 1699 Newton's position as a mathematician and natural philosopher was recognized by the French Academy of Sciences.
Eight foreign associates were added, amotng whom were Leibnitz and Newton. In 1703 Newton was elected president of the Royal Society, and annually This content downloaded from on Fri, 16 May 2014 15:15:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions. 161 re-elected during the remainder of his life. He thus held the office for twenty- five years. Prince George of Denmark, the queer.' S husband, who was a fellow of the Royal Society, was deeply imnpressed by Newton's genius.
The queen, accordingly, wished to honor her greatest subject. In April, 1705, she held court at Trinity lodge and conferred knighthood upon Newton. At the court of George I. Newton was a very popular visitor. From an early period of his life Newton had paid great attention to theo- logical studies, and it is well known that he had begun to study the prophecies before 1690.
Biot, with a view of showing that his theological writings were the production of his dotage, fixed their date between 1712 and 1719. That Newton's mind was even then quite clear and powerful is sufficiently proved by his ability to attack the most difficult mathematical problems with success. For in 1716 Leibnitz proposed a problem for solution ' for the purpose of feeling the pulse of English analysts.' The problem was to find the orthogonal trajectories of a series of curves represented by a single equation. Newton received this problem about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but, though fatigued with business, he solved the problem the same evening. He left a number of biblical and theological dissertations.
Biografia De Isaac Newton Corta
After a painful illness endured with great patience, he died in the eighty- fifth year of his age, on March 20th. In preparing this sketch the following works have been consulted: Can- tor's Gaschicte der Mathematik: Ball's A Short History qf Mathematics; Cajori's History of Mathematics, and the Encyclopediat Britannica. ON THE UTILITY OF STUDYING NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY.
The question of the foundation of the theory of parallels has been one of the most interesting scientific preoccupations of this century; it has caused to gush forth torrents of works and given subject to remarkable researches. Thanks to the theorems of Legendre, to the works of the two Bolyai, of Lobachevski, and of Riemann, of Poincar6, Flye St. Marie, Klein, De Tilly, etc., we cannot any more be deceived on the true import of the celebrated pro- position which bears the name of Postulate of Euclid. This is not in any way contained in the classical definitions of the straight and the plane; 2d. This is, among three hypotheses equally admissible, and which can- not all be rejected, only the most simple. Is it perhaps the single case whjich has given to the grand Greek geometer This content downloaded from on Fri, 16 May 2014 15:15:31 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Article Contents p.
161 Issue Table of Contents The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. Sep., 1901), pp. 157-182 Biography: Isaac Newton pp. 157-161 On the Utility of Studying Non-Euclidean Geometry pp. 161-163 Reduced Numbers pp. 163-166 Solutions of Problems Arithmetic 144 p.
167 145 pp. 167-168 Algebra 119 pp. 168-169 120 pp.
169-170 121 pp. 170-171 122 p. 171 Mechanics 118 pp.
171-172 120 pp. 172-173 Average and Probability 102 p. 173 103 pp. 173-175 Miscellaneous Further Remark on Problem 90 p. 175-176 94 pp. 176-177 95 p.
177 Problems for Solution Arithmetic: 146-147 p. 178 Algebra: 142-144 p. 178 Geometry: 172-174 pp. 178-179 Calculus: 135-137 p. 179 Mechanics: 124-125 p.
179 Diophantine Analysis: 89-90 pp. 179-180 Average and Probability: 113-114 p. 180 Miscellaneous: 114-116 p. 180 Notes p. 181 Books pp.
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