Bigbluebutton Installation On Windows Server

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  • Oct 26, 2009 install bigbluebutton on windows. How i can install the BigBlueButton on my Windows Server + Red5? And in windows. If you install.
  1. Big Blue Button Installation
  2. Big Blue Button Installation In Ubuntu
Bigbluebutton Installation On Windows Server

On Windows search the line beginning with @set LJCOMPILE. MonaServer.ini file to put in the installation. Features in multiple server.

If you get that error either your Moodle server doesn't have access to the BigBlueButton server or the BigBlueButton server you are using is not working properly (so the response sent to the Moodle server is not correct). You don't need to install your own BigBlueButton server to test it. You can use the default values and create/use meetings as it is shown in the video included in the plugin page Just keep in mind that your Moodle server needs to be able to communicate with the bigbluebutton server using CURL. The first call the plugin makes is to validate the BBB version parsing the response that you usually get from here Also, as always, the more information you provide (specially versions you are using, settings you have and steps you followed), the easier for anyone to help you out. Hi Miki, If the configuration by default works so the plugin and the moodle server configuration are correct. So there are a few things you may want to check: First. By chance, are you missing the protocol in the url?

url setting like this: '' It should be, if that is the url you use to access to your BBB server, which by the way, assuming you have a n standard and complete installation, it should show you the demo page. Also, if you test this in your browser do you get the same XMl you got from the test-install server?

Bigbluebutton ports

If you don't so your BBB server is broken. And finally, did you replace the salt (AKA shared secret) by default with the one used by your server?

Big Blue Button Installation

The one that comes by default only works for test-install, at least you replace the salt in your BBB server. By the way, the XML response you got in the browser has nothing to do with the response your Moodle server should get. That only means that your client computer can communicate with the BBB server, but doesn't mean the Moodle server can.

Big Blue Button Installation In Ubuntu

Hi Mike, Thanks for sharing your experience. You can also try restarting the server but you should not really need it for diagnosis. The first thing you want to try is of course to make sure that the target BBB server is working fine using the demo page installed by default. When you are trying to make the plugin to work for the very first time, we recommend testing with the configuration by default. If that works you can discard a bunch of things.If these two conditions are fulfilled, then you can proceed with changing the URL and SALT. Now, if after these three steps you still have problems, the first thing I would check is communication between servers. Making a wget call from the Moodle server to the BBB server can give you a good idea about what can be possible wrong.

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