Torrent Self Improvement

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E-books in Self-Improvement category by James Hegarty - Smashwords, 2015 Hegarty's detailed analysis provides a foundation for the development of individual creativity. Break The Rules is a loud and effective call to anyone to be more creative. The book gives anyone the tools and confidence to be more creative right away. ( 482 views) by Wilfred Funk - The Kingsway press, inc., 1937 Your greatest asset in the world is your personality. The rich man is unhappy because of the lack of it; the poor man is convinced he would make good if he possessed it. Women realize its golden value, for it more than compensates for any handicap. ( 1222 views) by Mark McGuinness - Smashwords, 2016 If you're excited by the opportunities of the creative age, but worried about the effect of all those interruptions and digital distractions on your creative work, 'Productivity for Creative People' has been written for you.

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( 975 views) by John Hargrave -, 2015 Have you ever wished you could reprogram your brain, just as a hacker would a computer? In this 3-step guide to improving your mental habits, learn to take charge of your mind and banish negative thoughts, habits, and anxiety - in just 21 days. ( 2828 views) by Paul Newton - Bookboon, 2014 This book provides practical and usable tactics that control and overcome one's tendency to procrastinate. It helps you to identify which of the seven triggers cause you to put off important tasks.

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You can also pass on these tactics to help others. ( 1748 views) by James Hegarty - Smashwords, 2014 How to discover extraordinary ideas and bring them into reality. This book explains creativity as a practical process - the methods and abilities - that applies to any discovery and development situation. It's practical, hip, and entirely real-world. ( 5010 views) by Jenna Meyerson - Bookboon, 2013 This manual gives practical tips and instructions to help you understand time management.

You will discover how to utilise the technology available to you, how to make the most of your own productive cycles, and how to make your life more efficient. ( 2820 views) by MTD Training - BookBoon, 2010 This textbook introduces readers to what Emotional Intelligence is and how they can improve their own. Being 'bright' is not enough in today's modern society. You need to understand how to manage your emotions and those of others to get on.

( 5782 views) by E. Benedict - Roycrofters, 1921 The fundamental traits of every individual are stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and hands. From this book you will learn which type of car you are and the main reasons why you have not been getting the maximum of service out of yourself.

( 8575 views) by Wallace Delois Wattles, 1910 The book is about getting rich - not only in terms of money but in every possible way, including relationships and health. The book is quite short and the language is simple. The author doesn't get into philosophies or theories. ( 19980 views) by Lion Kimbro, 2003 This book is about how to make a complete map of everything you think for as long as you like. Keeping a map of all your thoughts has a freezing effect on the mind. It takes a lot of (albeit pleasurable) work, but produces nothing but SIGHT. ( 11632 views).

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Now for five minutes rub your body from head to foot briskly with a dry flesh brush. Then have a quick shower, or better still, a sponge bath, and finish off with cold water and a brisk rub. Now when you are physically pepped up, and all aglow with each cell of your outer skin radiating above the average amount of ra­diant life, contacting more abundant life, make yourself comfortable in a straight-backed chair. Now for ten minutes go over the many good and unexpected things God has given to you in the past. Fill your mind with the Positive, Construc­tive Sunshine of Your Thoughts, praising the Kingdom, Power and Glory of the Source of all Life. The Father Principle of all Love and Life, and all Understanding, within each one of us, that we call God.

Will that this Divine Source of all Knowl­edge shall direct your Thoughts and Words and Deeds. Realize that your every Thought and Word and Deed is really a Prayer to the Divine Source of all Life, and is always establishing your exact position in the Universe, and show­ing your relation and unfoldment to Divine Guidance. And now when you have raised your mental and physical and Spiritual rates of Vibrating, Radiant Life, and by willing that you shall be guided by your Inner Voice have put yourself in tune with the Infinite—Now put your Mental Thoughts in order for the Day by going over every detail of the work you are to do and are now planning out in a posi­tive, constructive way. Plan out your work directed by Divine Un­derstanding from within, ever conscious of that 'Wee, Small Voice'—'The Oracle of God'—that will guide your daily work in harmony with Nature's Laws of Life, when you are 'In Tune with the Infinite.'

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This Divine Power within is unlimited in Love, Wisdom and Understanding, and is al­ways anxious to give you everything you are willing to trust this Power to give. Be confidential with God within, put all Fear, Worry and Doubt out of your heart. Make the mental picture of your day's work as you wish it to be, and realize what you give to life, life will in turn give back to you; for life attracts like throughout the Universe. Now go to your breakfast and daily work, doing each task in hand a little better than you did the day before. Eat your breakfast and live your working day in this wonderful constructive Radiant Understanding of the abundant supply of Life that is all around you, and is a part of you, all guided by Divine Unfoldment. Be Natural, Be Sincere, but do not be­come a religious fanatic. Live each hour with a strong desire to be Kind to your horses and cattle that you feed and care for.

To the wonderful perfect grain that Sun­shine, Rain and Divine Understanding has given you from the productive Soil of your Western Ranch. Scatter Sunshine and Love as you go, to mankind, to your family, and to all life, with which you come in contact. See and Feel the constructive love that all Life gives to you. How your Cattle and Horses trust you and want to be where you are. How your Saddle Horse will follow you about, ever anxious to do your bidding.

Truly you have Dominion over all Life with which you are in contact. Then are you living a constructive life that will produce Health, Wealth and Happiness for you. And now before you go to sleep at night, make a positive, constructive Demand to your Inner Self, to the Source of all life within you. 'I desire to do God's will, to be directed by Divine Guidance, to Radiate more sunshine, and love, each day. To do my work better and more in harmony with Nature's Laws, and to be a Man amongst Men, loved by all with whom I come in contact, by the Animals I serve and care for.' 'I realize that God's Kingdom within me is the source of all my supply of Health, Wealth and Happiness.' Try this and see how wonderful is the re­ward of living a constructive, Spiritual Life in tune with the Infinite.

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