How To Install Testdisk On Centos Commands
PhotoRec – Recover Deleted. Install Testdisk by running the relevant command below for your distribution:----- On Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint----- $ sudo apt-get.
Install Apache and PHP on CentOS 6. Last updated on: 2016-06-21. Authored by: Rackspace Support This article demonstrates how to install Apache and PHP on CentOS 6. CentOS 6 comes with Apache 2.2.3 and PHP 5.1.6, and you can install them by using the default CentOS Package Manager, yum. The advantages of using yum (as opposed to installing by using source code) are that you get any security updates (when they are distributed) and dependencies are automatically handled.
Install Apache. Run the following command: sudo yum install httpd modssl. Because the server does not start automatically when you install Apache, you must start it manually. Sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl start The following message is displayed: Starting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName The IP address (shown in this example as is used as the server name by default. In the following steps, set the server name for the next time the server is started. Open the main Apache configuration file. Sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
Toward the end of the file, locate the section that starts with ServerName and gives an example. #ServerName Enter your cloud server host name or a fully qualified domain name. In the following example, the host name is demo.
ServerName demo. Reload Apache.
Sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart Open the port to run Apache Apache runs on port 80. In some versions of CentOS, a firewall, which is installed by default, blocks access to port 80. Perform the following steps to open the port. Run the following command: sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -dport 80 -j ACCEPT. After adding that instruction, save your firewall rules so that your web server is accessible the next time you reboot.
Sudo service iptables save Test the Apache installation Navigate to your Cloud Server IP address (for example, If the default CentOS Apache “welcome” screen is displayed, the installation was successful. Contact Rackspace support if you have any problems. Configure Apache to run automatically Now that Apache is installed and working, set to start automatically when the server is rebooted. Run the following command: sudo /sbin/chkconfig httpd on. Test to confirm that the setting works. Sudo /sbin/chkconfig -list httpd httpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off Install PHP.
Run the following command: sudo yum install php php-mysql php-devel php-gd php-pecl-memcache php-pspell php-snmp php-xmlrpc php-xml The preceding command does not install all the modules available, just a few common ones. Reload Apache. Sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart Continue the conversation in the.
How To Install Test Disk
Experience what Rackspace has to offer.
On this page. Data Recovery With TestDisk Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme TestDisk is a powerful free data recovery software which was primarily designed to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again when these symptoms are caused by faulty software, certain types of viruses or human error (such as accidentally deleting your partition table). TestDisk is available for lots of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and MacOS, and supports lots of filesystems.
This article is meant as a short introduction to TestDisk; if you want to learn more about TestDisk and what it can do for you, you should refer to the. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you! 1 Getting TestDisk TestDisk is available as a package for lots of Linux distributions, e.g. Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, etc (a full list can be found on ).
On Debian/Ubuntu you'd run. Apt-get install testdisk to install it. If there's no package for your distribution, you can download TestDisk from.
A better way to use TestDisk is to download a Linux Live-CD that contains TestDisk, such as or (a full list of Live-CDs can again be found on ), because it doesn't help if TestDisk is installed on a system that doesn't boot anymore due to partition errors. 2 Using TestDisk TestDisk can be run from the command line.
How To Install Test Disk On A Mac
Testdisk /list gives you a list of your partitions: server1:# testdisk /list TestDisk 6.5, Data Recovery Utility, October 2006 Christophe GRENIER Please wait. Disk /dev/sda - 32 GB / 29 GiB - CHS 3916 255 63, sector size=512 Disk /dev/sda - 32 GB / 29 GiB - CHS 3916 255 63 Partition Start End Size in sectors 1. Linux 0 1 1 3869 21487 2 E extended 3870 0 1 3915 290 5 L Linux Swap 3870 1 1 3915 227 Now let's assume we have lost our partition table and want to restore it. To use TestDisk, just run testdisk It is a menu-driven tool, so this is what you'll see (I'll mark my selections in red): TestDisk 6.5, Data Recovery Utility, October 2006 Christophe GRENIER TestDisk is a data recovery designed to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again when these symptoms are caused by faulty software, certain types of viruses or human error. Information gathered during TestDisk use can be recorded for later review. If you choose to create the text file, testdisk.log, it will contain TestDisk options, technical information and various outputs; including any folder/file names TestDisk was used to find and list onscreen. Use arrow keys to select, then press Enter key: Create Create a new log file Append Append information to log file No Log Don't record anything TestDisk is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Select a media (use Arrow keys, then press Enter): Disk /dev/sda - 32 GB / 29 GiB Proceed Quit Note: Disk capacity must be correctly detected for a successful recovery.
If a disk listed above has incorrect size, check HD jumper settings, BIOS detection, and install the latest OS patches and disk drivers. Disk /dev/sda - 32 GB / 29 GiB Please select the partition table type, press Enter when done. Intel Intel/PC partition Mac Apple partition map None Non partioned media Sun Sun Solaris partition XBox XBox partition Return Return to disk selection Note: Do NOT select 'None' for media with only a single partition. It's very rare for a drive to be 'Non-partitioned'. Disk /dev/sda - 32 GB / 29 GiB - CHS 3916 255 63 Analyse Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions Advanced Filesystem Utils Geometry Change disk geometry Options Modify options MBR Code Write TestDisk MBR code to first sector Delete Delete all data in the partition table Quit Return to disk selection Note: Correct disk geometry is required for a successful recovery. 'Analyse' process may give some warnings if it thinks the logical geometry is mismatched. Disk /dev/sda - 32 GB / 29 GiB - CHS 3916 255 63 Current partition structure: Partition Start End Size in sectors No partition is bootable.=Primary bootable P=Primary L=Logical E=Extended D=Deleted Proceed Try to locate partition As you see, no bootable partitions have been found. Select Disk /dev/sda - 32 GB / 29 GiB - CHS 3916 255 63 Partition Start End Size in sectors. Linux 0 1 1 3869 21487 L Linux Swap 3870 1 1 3915 227 Structure: Ok.
I was exrtremely frustrated when my drive decided to go from an 60 gig NTFS HD to FAT12 10 mb HD just because I used the 'fixboot' and 'fixmbr' command after running 'chkdsk /p /r' when my HD failed to boot in any mode due to an 'agp440.sys' error. I have spent 10 days - after my drive failed - looking for information on how to restore it to no avail! I have used over 10 data recovery softwares; GetBackData, EASEUS, PC File recovery, Acronis, to name a few, and they all failed to restore 1 kb! I even resorted to deep-freezing my HD in the freezer for up to 24 hours and no software was able to recover any data off it. EASEUS spent 13 hours and recovered nothing!
I was livid and came close to taken a hammer to the failed HD today and destroy it out of frustration, after I almost gave up and surrender to the fact I lost valuable data forever. Then I found your page; I tried 'testdesk' before but I could not find any detailed instructions on how to use it - in the way you have explained it on this page! I re-freezed the HD for 2 hours, followed your instructions for 'testdesk', and I was able to fix the corrupt table partition and reverse the damage (FAT12 back to NTFS) in 10 minutes and I'm now copying my data off it to another HD. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm grateful!
Testdisk rules. With all these wonderful comments, people might think Testdisk is a miraculous software - it is not. I followed all the steps and at the end, instead of finding my lost partition, it broke all the three partitions I had on the HDD. This all due to lack of information that anyone can understand, in order to make the best decision. Ok, I should have accepted that I had one partition gone forever and that was it, instead of opting for the 'write' function. On the other hand, this all happened after my attempt to install a second version of Windows 7 on a different partition (I only use Windows when I have no choice). This article might also help beginners:
I have problem, i have 4 partation in my 1tb hdd. I formated c drive, and in 3 partiton there was some data when i installed I have problem, i have 4 partation in my 1tb hdd. I formated c drive, and in 3 partiton there was data when i installed Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS then I have problem, i have 4 partation in my 1tb hdd.
I formated c drive, and in 3 partiton there was some data when i installed I have problem, i have 4 partation in my 1tb hdd. I formated c drive, and in 3 partiton there was data when i installed Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS then i checked whole drive become 1 partition of 1TB. So will i recover my data. Is there any chance to recovered it back my data my English was bad so understandi checked whole drive become 1 partition of 1TB.
How To Install Test Disk In Linux
So will i recover my data. Is there any chance to recovered it back my data.
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