140 Map Cooling Thermostat Activation

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140 Map Cooling Thermostat Activation 4,4/5 7211 reviews

All BMW fault codes and their meaning. 140 Map Cooling Thermostat Activation 141 Electric Fan Activation 142 Exhaust Flap Activation 148 Interface DME-EWS. The Map cooling thermostat is mounted in the. Which is registered is 139 activation map cooling. I have INPA error 115 HFM and 140 T-stat cooling.

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  2. Bmw Map Cooling
  3. Map Thermostat Activation

Map Cooling Thermostat Control


Bmw Map Cooling

Sql server 2000 personal edition 64 bit. I have read the forums and when most people recieved this error the solution was to reaplce the thermostat. I used did that and still see the error. This is what I get from INPA. E R R 0 R MEMORY Date: 03/02/13 18:30:19 ECU: 11E72KWP1 JobStatus: OKAY Uariant: ME72KWP1 RESULT: 1 errors in error memory!

Map Thermostat Activation

140 Output Thermostat Map cooling Error frequency: 2 Logistic counter: 40 Error occured 1 times at: Engine speed 600.00 Engine temperature 90.00 Intake air temperature 48.75 Supply uoltage 13.75 Error occured 2 times at: Engine speed 600.00 Engine temperature 90.00 Intake air temperature 48.75 Supply uoltage 13.47 Error currently available Error tested REPORT Error tested Signal-/Path discontinuity current, Signal-/Path discontinuity Initial, Fault sporadic And this from DIS DME - SC DME: Activation, map cooling.

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